While it is true that, left to my own devices, I will continue to compose, I nonetheless find special joy and inspiration in writing music that people other than me want to exist and intend to perform. I have accepted many commission projects over the years, including:
* Recital pieces for solo voice and piano
* Choral arrangements of hymns and carols for piano, organ, or orchestral accompaniment
* Original choral pieces, both sacred and secular
* Transcriptions and arrangements for various instrumental forces
* Pieces for jazz combo or full jazz band.
I have considerable experience writing for musicians of all ages, and ensembles of all sizes, and I am committed to writing music which allows available instruments and performers to shine, and make meaningful musical contributions.
My fees are set by arrangement with each commissioning entity, and are based on the scale and complexity of the work, the amount of time available for me to do the work, and the resources available to the commissioner. It is always my intention to find a nexus of work and fee that will be satisfying to all involved. Finished works can be delivered as PDF documents, or in hard copy in appropriate and practical formats. My commitment includes the production of well-engraved scores and parts which are clear, accurate, as easy as possible to read and use, and satisfactorily pleasant to the eye.
Many of the pieces which can be found on my RECORDINGS page are commissioned works, and I invite you to explore them at your leisure as a sample of my output.
For more information or to propose a commissioned work from me, please feel free to contact me at info@gwcomposer.me
Commission A Work!
Some Recent Commissions
Because of this year's Plague, a number of planned performances and premieres have gone into a status of indefinite postponement, along with works which had been in negotiating or recruiting phases:
Fields of Study (2020) for mixed choir, unaccompanied.
Ubi Caritas (St. Mary's) (2020) for mixed choir, unaccompanied.
Responses For the Passion According to St. John (2020) for mixed choir, unaccompanied
Vocal Jazz arrangements of Take Five and Beginning to See the Light (2020)
along with other performances of works already completed. However, writing continues, and several works are now merely awaiting the restoration of choral performance.
That Love Amazing (2019)
A fantasy on the hymn tune "Thaxted"
Dedicated to the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Blue Springs MO, on the installation of their new organ, 19 August 2019.
Everyone's Brother (2019)
For Mixed Choir.
Commissioned by Musica Vocale for its "Resist concert, 19 May 2019. Dr. Arnold Epley, conducting.
Missa Choralis (2018)
Choral mass setting commissioned by Dr. Tony Maglione and the St. George Choristers of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Kansas City, MO.
Hodie (2018)
Choral Motet Commissioned by Dr. Tony Maglione for the choir of William Jewell College, Liberty, MO.
Anthems for the Cross (2017)
For Mixed Choir, unaccompanied. Commissioned by St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Kansas City, MO. Dr. Anthony Maglione, conducting. Reprised in 2018 and 2019.